As you know, the 5500 filing season is upon us, and the ABA Retirement Funds Program (“Program”) has published your firm’s 2022 Form 5500.
Please take note of the following change in the login process for this year’s filing:
- The process for logging into the DOL’s EFAST2 website is being modernized by the U.S. Government for 2023.
- If you are a first-time filer: Please visit to obtain your electronic credentials for logging into the EFAST2 website.
- If you are an existing filer: You can continue to access the EFAST2 website using your previously issued User ID and Password until September 1, 2023. After that point, you will have visit to set up new electronic credentials for logging into the EFAST2 website.
Complete step-by-step filing instructions are posted on our website at under Plan Administrator Resources. You can access them here or on the eFile website.
The Program sent important information and reminders regarding this year’s filing, please be sure to review those emails. Feel free to call us at 800.752.6313 or send an email to if you have any questions. Please include your six-digit Program plan number at that time.